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  The (NVJDC) provides secure detention and treatment services for male and female court-ordered residents between the ages of 10-18.  The facility offers the following programs: Pre-disposition, Post disposition (Post-D), Central Admissions and Placement Unit (CAP) and Community Placement Program (CPP).  


  Pre-dispositional residents have an average length of stay of 28 days.  A judge may order a resident to serve up to 30 days post-disposition or a resident might be ordered into the Post-dispositional program for up to 180-days and will participate in facility-based and community-based services for his or her rehabilitation.  


  The core function of the CAP program is to provide intake, orientation, and evaluation of residents committed to the Virginia Department of Juvenile Justice for treatment.  The evaluation process may take up to three weeks. At the conclusion of the evaluation process, a team of evaluators meets to discuss and identify treatment and mental health needs and determine LOS, classification level, parole plan details, and placement recommendations. Input from the Court Service Unit and families are beneficial to assist with this process.  


  The Community Placement Program provides residential services with community re-integration planning for residents committed to the Department of Juvenile Justice; but placed at NVJDC for highly structured, disciplined residential programming.  CPP programming focuses on skill development and developing competency in the areas of education, job readiness, life, and social skills. Reentry planning is essential for successful adjustment to the community. The programs include services that will promote a seamless transition from incarceration to community living. Services provided focus on risk factors that can be changed using cognitive behavioral techniques and tailoring services to meet individual needs. Programs will use the Youth Assessment and Screening Instrument as the basis for case planning to address the criminogenic needs. Required periodic reassessments will be complete by CPP case managers to monitor the resident’s progress and make adjustments to the case plan. The services listed below serve as a guide for areas that the CPP may address: 


  • Anger management

  • Substance abuse relapse

  • Life skills

  • Employability services to include job seeking and job keeping skill

  • Community service

  • Recreational and leisure time activities

© 2022 NVJDC

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